It’s misnamed.  Should be either Only Black Lives Matter (OBLM).  Or, the Black Power Movement (BPM).

It’s not about systemic racism.  Systemic racism is just an amorphous term that can mean anything its purveyors want it to mean.  My daughter told me last night that the widely used Mercator projection used to make maps of the globe that distort areas away from the equator, making them appear bigger than they are the further one goes towards the poles, is another instance of systemic racism.

I responded that maybe the Mercator projection is used because the areas of most interest to map users when it was developed were temperate areas, i.e., the areas where they lived that were not too far from the equator or the poles, and it gave those areas the least amount of distortion. It’s hard to map onto a flat surface a thing that’s spherical.

No, it’s systemic racism.

Then systemic racism is nothing more than bigotry and guess what?  Everyone is a bigot.  It’s the nature of nature.  Like likes like and dislikes unlike.  It’s written in our, and every other creature’s stars.  And as bigotry is in our individual nature, it’s in all of our institutions and organizations.  Every living thing, from the biggest US company to the tiniest virus is bigoted.

BLM is no exception.  It favors itself over all others.  But most times, individuals and organizations disguise their bigoted nature.  It helps in achieving their selfish aims if others aren’t alerted to their bigotry.  Not BLM.  It’s so brazen, it comes right out and says it.

Here’s what the leader of New York’s BLM chapter said, from the New York Post:

The president of Greater New York Black Lives Matter said that if the movement fails to achieve meaningful change during nationwide protests over George Floyd’s killing by Minneapolis police officers, it will “burn down this system.”

“If this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it. All right? And I could be speaking figuratively. I could be speaking literally. It’s a matter of interpretation,” Hawk Newsome said during an interview Wednesday evening on “The Story” with Martha MacCallum.

In case there were any doubt about the group’s aims, Newsome added:

“I just want black liberation, and black sovereignty. By any means necessary.”

Black sovereignty is another way of saying black power is another way of saying I want to do to white people what white people did to my ancestors.

BLM is the Black Power Movement.  It is Malcolm X finally getting his day.  It does not seek equality before the law (which, save affirmative action, blacks already have, and affirmative action bends the law to their favor, not against them).  It seeks to destroy the law and replace it with its own.  It does not seek to end systemic racism but to implement its own brand of systemic racism.

The hilarious thing is that stupid white people are letting this movement to subordinate their lives to black lives lead them around by the nose.

Just another marker along the way to the decline and fall of the American Empire.